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Comp D

D Name: _________________
Comp Work 

____ 2 points My academic goal this week is: (Write in complete sentence.)

____ 3 points Language Skills:  Descriptive Paragraph 
  • The word ‘descriptive’ means:  “seeking to describe.”  
  • ‘Describe’ means:  “give an account in words of (someone or something), including all the relevant characteristics, qualities, or events.”
  • Knowing these definitions, now write one descriptive paragraph about your home.  Remember a paragraph should have at least five sentences.

____ 3 points Math:   Division
Write these 4 division problems in your journal.  Solve, or find the quotient, for each problem in your book and SHOW YOUR STEPS – especially if you use a calculator.  If you need more of a challenge, please make up a more complicated problem.  
4 ) 56         which means the same thing as        56 ÷ 4
15) 100 100 ÷ 15
25 ) 125 125 ÷ 25
3 ) 175 175 ÷ 3

____ 10 points Social Studies:  Delaware
  • Write 3 facts about this state.
  • Draw and color their state flag into your composition book.  
  • What # state is it?  
  • Which year did it become a state?
  • Complete state worksheet.

____ 5 points Famous Person: Frederick Douglass or Jane AdDams
  • Why is he/she famous?  

  • 3 more facts in your journal in complete sentences

____ 2 points Art Border: 
  • Design a border around your two pages of answers.  The border must be in color and have something to do with the letter “D”.  

5 points Overall Neatness, Spelling & Organization

Frederick Douglass

Frederick Augustus Washington Bailey
February 20, 1895 (aged 77)
Washington, D.C., United States
Abolitionist, author, editor, diplomat
Anna Murray-Douglass (1838–1882) (her death)
Helen Pitts (1884–1895) (his death)
H   Harriett Bailey & perhaps Aaron Anthony

He was an African-American who escaped from slavery and became a leader of the abolitionist movement.  He was a living example of slaveholders' arguments that slaves did not have the intellectual capacity to function as independent American citizens. He proved them wrong!  Many found it hard to believe that such a great speaker had once been a slave.

After the Civil War, Douglass remained active in the United States' struggle in becoming the "land of the free". He also actively supported women's suffrage. Without his approval, he became the first African American nominated for Vice President of the United States as the running mate of Victoria Woodhull on the Equal Rights Party ticket. Douglass held multiple public offices.

Douglass was a firm believer in the equality of all people, whether black, female, Native American or immigrant.  He was famously quoted as saying, "I would unite with anybody to do right and with nobody to do wrong."

Jane Addams Jane Addams - Bain News Service.jpg
Jane Addams was born September 6, 1860, in Cedarville, Illinois.  She is known as the "mother" of social work, was a pioneer American activist, social worker, public philosopher, sociologist, public administrator, protestor, author, and leader in women's right to vote. In an era when presidents such as Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson identified themselves as reformers and social activists, Addams was one of the most prominent reformers of the Progressive Era
She helped America address and focus on issues that were of concern to mothers, such as the needs of children, local public health, and world peace. In her essay "Utilization of Women in City Government," Jane Addams noted the connection between the workings of government and the household, stating that many departments of government, such as sanitation and the schooling of children, could be traced back to traditional women's roles in the private sphere. Thus, these were matters of which women would have more knowledge than men, so women needed the vote to best voice their opinions. She said that if women were to be responsible for cleaning up their communities and making them better places to live, they needed to be able to vote to do so effectively. 
Addams became a role model for middle-class women who volunteered to uplift their communities. She is increasingly being recognized as a member of the American pragmatist school of philosophy, and is known by many as the first woman "public philosopher in the history of the United States".
In 1931 she became the first American woman to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, and is recognized as the founder of the social work profession in the United States.
Jane Addams died May 21, 1935, at age 74.  


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