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Showing posts from October, 2019

Comp G

G   Name : _________________   Comp Work            ____2 points My academic goal this week is: (Write in complete sentence.) ____3 points Language Skills:  Genre What is genre? Write answer in a complete sentence into comp journal. You may want to look in our Reading Street book. Name 3 genres and their definitions. ____3 points Math:  Geometry  Geometry is the study of ________?   Write this in your composition book.  What is a polygon?  Write definition and draw one. What is a quadrilateral? What is a pentagon? What is a hexagon? What is an octagon? ____10 points Social Studies:  Georgia Write 3 facts about this state. Draw and color their state flag into your composition book .   What # state is it?   What year did it become a state? Complete state worksheet. ____5 points Famous Person: Ulysses S. Grant

Comp F

               F   Name : _________________   Comp Work                 ___ _____2 points My academic goal this week is: (Write in complete sentence.) _____3 points Language Skills:  Fiction & Non-Fiction What is the difference between fiction and non-fiction? Which do you prefer to read and why? Write answer in a complete sentence into comp journal. Name 3 books that are fiction. Name 3 books that are non-fiction. ____BONUS points Friendship:  Write a paragraph (remember a paragraph = 5 sentences at least)  about friendship.  And, tell me what qualities you look for in a friend?  How do you know they ARE a friend?   ____3 points Math:  Factors  What are factors?   What is the one number that ALL numbers have as a factor? What is a number called that only has a factor of itself and one? What is the difference between factors and multiples? _

Biography Genre Project

In Google Classroom , using what you now have learned about your subject, you will type a brief "bio" using the SWBS format. Remember, S=Somebody W=Wanted B=But S=So (T=Then is optional) On top of your paper: Biography Book Title and Author Copyright Date and Publisher Your name THINK ABOUT: Before they were famous and answer these questions for SOMEBODY - Who was this person before they got famous? Where and when were they born? And other interesting facts about their childhood. Their major accomplishments: Answer these questions WANTED or THEN - What was their life goal? What led them to their accomplishment? What challenges did they face? What stood in their way? How did things work out, and did they accomplish what they set out to achieve? EXAMPLE: Who was Frida Kahlo ? By Sarah Fabiny Illustrated by Jerry Hoare Copyright Date: 2013 Publisher: Penguin Group Ms. Smith #0 Somebody: Frida Kahlo was born just outside of Mexico City, Mexico on July 6, 1907

Comp E

      Comp Work  E     Name : _________________   2 points My academic goal this week is: (Write in a complete sentence.) ____ 3 points   Language Skills:  Endings        Write an unexpected ending to a fairy tale.  This ending must be at least one paragraph.  Remember, a paragraph usually has 5 sentences . ____ 3 points   Math - Equation   Write an equation that has the answer of 1,583. Estimating ( without a calculator or actually ‘doing’ the problem:  guess! ) Estimate the answer to 995 - 312 = Now actually figure out the answer.  How close was your estimation? Even Numbers Is the number 189,834,908 an even number? Tell me why or why not. ____ 10 points Social Studies:  El Paso   In which U.S. state is the city of El Paso? Write the answer to which state El Paso is in. Write 3 facts about this state. Draw and color their state flag into your composition book .