comp i ____ 2 points My Goal this week is: (Write in journal in a complete sentence.) ____ 3 points Language Skills: Idioms What is the definition of an “ idiom ”? Write it in your comp book. Tell me what these phrases really mean: You are in hot water. Money doesn’t grow on trees. Don’t count your chickens before they hatch. Write 5 more idioms in your book and tell me what they mean. ____ 3 points Math: Inches How many inches in a foot? How many inches in a yard? How many inches tall are you? Estimate how many inches you think it is across our classroom. ____ 10 points Social Studies - Choose 1: Iowa, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana Write 3 facts about this state. Draw and color their state flag into your composition book. What # state is it? What year did it become a state? Complete worksheet on state. ____ 5 points Famous Person: Isaac Newton Who was he? Why was h...