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Comp Q

Q Comp Work 

__ 2 points My academic goal this week is: (Write in your compwork journal in a complete sentence.) 

__ 3 points Language Skills: Grammar Quiz.  Write correct answers in comp journal.
  • There are many ___ (thief) in the big cities.
  • thiefs
  • thieves

  • We should throw away these old ___ (tooth brush).
  • teeth brush
  • tooth brushes
  • teeth brushes

  • ___(ox) and ___(goose) are animals.
  • Oxes; geese
  • Oxen; geese
  • Oxen; gooses

  • Did you buy two silk ___(scarf) for your sister?
  • scarfs
  • scarves
  • The ___(chief) of those tribes decided to fight for their lands.
  • chieves
  • chiefs

__ 3 points Math:   A quotient is the answer after you divide one number by another.  
dividend ÷ divisor = quotient        Example: in 12 ÷ 3 = 4, 4 is the quotient.
Write and solve these 3 equations in your comp journal.  Show your work.
1)  343 ÷ 9 =                2) 154 ÷ 14 =           3) If you eat 481 marshmallows in one day, and it took you 13 hours to do this, how many marshmallows did you eat each hour?

__ 10 points Social Studies:  Quilt capital of the world is located in this state:  Kentucky
  • Write 3 facts about this state.
  • Draw and color their state flag into your composition book.  
  • What # state is it?  
  • What year did it become a state?
  • Complete state worksheet.

__ 5 points Famous Person: John QUINCY Adams

  • Who was he?
  • Research and find 3 facts about him that are NOT your answer from above.
  • Respond in your journal in complete sentences. 

__ 2 points Art Border: 
  • Design a border around your two pages of answers.  The border must be in color and have something to do with the letter “Q”.  

__ 5 points Overall Neatness & Organization


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